Thursday, September 22, 2011

Vampires vs Werewolves

I'm nearing the end of the Capstone picture books/graphic novels. They have been a blast to read but I have a couple of novels by them that promise to be just as fun. Vampires vs. Werewolves is part of their Edge Books Monster Wars line.
I loved this book. It started when I discovered that one of our own WSU professors acted as a consultant. How can you not love something homegrown? Okay so maybe that wasn't a real reason but it started my excitement.
I don't recommend this for young readers but those who love scary stories will love this book. It breaks down the vampire and werewolf legends and compares their strengths and weaknesses. The very last chapter is an imagined fight between the two. It was well done and clever. It was a bit violent but it came with a warning for those interested in learning more but not getting scared.
All in all, I recommend this book. I'm throughly impressed with Capstone and will keep an eye out for their books.
This one came with a facthound link to more books and a couple of websites. Any book that gets a kid looking for more to read is awesome in my book. This is not a graphic novel (thought I should point that out) and includes amazing shots from a variety of werewolf and vampire movies throughout the ages. The final chapter has illustrations of the story.

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