Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Cutie Pies by Dani Cone

Dani Cone owns and operates High 5 Pie in Seattle Washington. Cutie Pies is a culmination of her work as a pie expert.
Her pies come in six "varieties" - cutie pies, petit 5's, pie jars, flipsides, pie pops and full-sized pies. Cutie pies are baked in standard muffin tin. Petit 5's in mini-muffin pans. Pie jars are pies baked in half pint canning jars. Flipsides are similar to turnovers. But Pie Pops are what caused me to really want to share this book. They're little pies served on sticks like lollipops(so cute!!!!).
Her recipe collection bounced from sweet to savory making this the most inclusive pie cookbook I have seen.
Dani offers such a selection that not only makes me want to go home and bake but find my way across the state to Seattle just to try High 5 Pies (anyone want to send me one, my birthday is in two weeks).
What I like best about Cutie Pies is that this book touches on all the pie needs one could have. The crust recipes vary from an ordinary crust to a graham cracker to a vegan to a gluten free. For those not on special diets this might not seem that important but for someone who might make a pie for someone with a gluten allergy or is vegan - it's nice to have the options. I love that I can make the gluten free crust and stuff it in a sterilized canning jar for the cutest treat out there.
This book makes me wish my son was still in elementary school so I can send pie pops to a class party.
I feel like I should share some recipes here but my tastes run more to the four cheese and onion pie variety. Who ever thought of a mac and cheese pie? Yum! Wait- Mac and Cheese on a stick. Hmm I've got some free time coming up this weekend so pies might be in my future.

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