Friday, January 13, 2012

Bite Club by Rachel Caine

I love this series and each book gets better and better. However, I was a little shocked to find the format of this story was different. Normally, her books are all third person but this one had a few chapters told in first person by Shane. It was jarring in the beginning but soon I found his perspective to be rather refreshing. It was nice actually getting into the head of his character.
This is an emotional roller coaster. Shane is off his rocker and breaking Claire's heart. I love that she is so strong. She has so much faith in people that, even though her heart is breaking, she still fights for Shane. She still believes he loves her.
I forget how young her character is. She mentioned not turning 18 yet and I was stunned for a moment - wait isn't she 40 yet (not really) but I expected her to be older by now because she has grown so much over the series. When the books started she was a little mousy and now she's standing up to people she knows will probably kill her. She's not crazy and she is scared but she doesn't back down when she is right.
Tough decisions come up in this book and Claire treats them with reverance. I just cannot believe how wonderful these books are. I can't wait for the library to get the next one.

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